Fencing, Cox Green

Although only 21 metres in length this was a hard job! The Client initially requested a new boundary fence for the bottom half of their garden but was so impressed they requested all of it to be replaced. With the existing fence being over 25 years old and only held up by ivy it took more than a little time to take down the old than to install the new.

Replacement fencing was in close board style (in our view stronger and more attractive than panels) at 7ft tall to provide optimum privacy between the two. The top 12” (340mm) of the fence was finished with trellis miso as to not appear too imposing!

Whilst on-site the elderly neighbour requested we replace her gate and side fencing to her rear garden to provide more security - she also managed to blag a complete rear hedge trimming from us for nothing!

FencingDominic Birch